Friday, July 2, 2010

About Myself

I am a simple person who mostly wanted to spend idle times in reading books not necessarily romance. Blogging probably is the least in my notes of leisure activities. For very simple reason that I am not that proficient in computer as well as in writing.

But because of changing environment and technology, it would be awkward to be left behind and gave me no choice but to get in the craze. This was started for the purpose of sharing views and expressing ideas and thoughts. It can also patch up boredom and even stress. There are really lots of benefits to gain in this newly-found hobby. It would not only offer you knowledge but it can enhance your communication skill, views, and even gives you lot of friends.

I started in collaborative blogging where in I joined discussions in whatever issues fascinates my interest, posts ideas that flashes in my mind as sort of self expression. Until I came up on wanting to have my own slot to where I can express more of myself. And I owe this to one doll. Lucky to meet Ayesha (colleague in the office) who is very tolerant with my kakulitan to know more of this stuff. She's my angel for learning things about this blogging. And now, I have this as my own message board, pal or diary, whatever you may call it.


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